Bernard Cerf was the oldest son and second child born to Aaron and Phoebe Cerf. He was a clothing merchant with a store on Kearny Street near Sacramento Street in San Francisco.
Bernard Cerf (1868-1942) |
Regina Jacob Cerf (1871-1959), wife of Bernard Cerf |
Bernard and Regina Cerf had one child, Edgar Marcel Cerf.
Edgar Marcel Cerf (1905-1996) |
Edgar Cerf owned a store in San Francisco that sold ladies' hats and Clara was a school nurse. Edgar and Clara were a sweet, loving couple who enjoyed adventure and keeping in touch with friends and relatives. I have had some lovely visits with them and received heartwarming letters. Here they are on a hiking adventure in the early 1990's.
Edgar Marcel Cerf (1905-1996) and his wife, Clara Ruelas Cerf (1904-2003) |
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